Janda Raker is an award-winning travel writer/ essayist/ photographer who has explored North America, South America, Australia, New Zealand, and 22 countries in Europe, traveling by train, ferry, motorcycle, cross-country skis, mountain bike, snowshoes, canoe, sea kayak, sailboat, power boat, hiking and backpacking, to wildernesses, big cities and everywhere in between.
Teaching in middle school and high school allowed her to ramble around the states during summer breaks, and retirement provides even more freedom to explore.
Her travel and outdoor-recreation articles have been published in Amarillo Style, UltraRunning, WingWorld, etc., and online beginning in 2013. Janda now writes travel articles for HubPages.com. The first was published in 2016. Several others have now followed.
She has also published profiles of best-selling authors Debbie Macomber and Jodi Thomas in The Writer magazine and two anthologies of very short stories titled Flash Tales and FlashTales 2. Both are available at Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com and directly from Janda. Contact her if you’d like one . . . or more —[email protected] .